So, fast forward several months. We lost a lot the chicks to marauding magpies, butcher birds and crows, and ended up with three of the little dears. Not such a bad thing as I would have had a lot to rehome, and to be honest, that hussy Electra will probably pull the same thing again.
The chicks are now grown and as luck would have it, 2 of the 3 are roosters. It seems like overnight they started to crow. Crow is probably not the appropriate description - screech with great glee is more apt. It was literally overnight, my boys had grown up. Then about a week later, they achieved their full rooster status - the Rooster Dance! Wing down, high step, circle the hen and pray to the Gods that she will be accommodating. They weren't. But eventually they either wore some of the hens down and/or just jumped on them from behind. No finesse, but goal achieved.
Honey (artistic interpretation) |
She's still laying eggs though. Perhaps it's only a half-reverse Jenner?