Friday, 8 December 2017

Friday Follies - Fifty and....Fabulous?

Yes it is!
Here I am, on the eve of my 50th birthday.  A half century, mid-life if I'm lucky.  Oh, the horror.

I was told my 30's would bother me.  They didn't.  In fact, my 30's were pretty great.  I was told my 40's would bother me.  They bothered me a tiny bit, but not that much really.  I was told 50's would be a breeze.  Uh, no.  I have not been handling this milestone as well as previous ones.  I should, there is a lot to be happy about, and I have a pretty great life.  But I'm not.

50?  50?  When on earth did this happen?  And how did it happen so quickly.  Sometimes it seems like it's gone by in the blink of an eye, but then sometimes I realise that it's been a long time, and there are bits that have been boarding the departure train of my memory, and I don't like it.

My friends and I used to talk about partying, men and what we might do when we grew up.  Now we talk about menopause. Double ugh.

In the pursuit of trying to make myself feel better, I've come up with some positive thoughts.  Logically, I know there are lots - just tell that to my wrinkles, sagging skin and aching bones.

1.  I'm still alive!  It's simple, but it's a biggie.  I know of lots of people that never made it to this age, and it's way too young to go.  I still have pretty good health, minus some minor but manageable issues.  I don't take it for granted that I'm still around, it's a blessing that many don't have.

2.  The phrase 'I'm too old for that' can come in pretty handy.  From avoiding activities that I actually don't want to do, but would have looked like a pussy for avoiding when I was young, to avoiding BS... it's a useful phrase.

3.  I don't sweat the small stuff as much as I used to.  Of course, the small stuff still gets to me, and I do tend to let it because honestly, it's in my nature, but I can quickly get over it now. Nothing lets you deal with things better than experience and the knowledge that most things don't really matter, and that with time they will blow over like Donald Trump's 'do in the breeze.  Things that seemed so traumatic and important in my youth are barely a blip in my memories now.  If I do remember them, I can see that they didn't really make a difference, or, in fact, were good things in disguise.  This experience has also helps me to pick my battles wisely whereas in the past, I fought way too many of them.

4.  Getting taken advantage of on holidays by people spiking your drinks isn't a big worry.  A few years ago in Thailand we met some young Aussies on the beach.  After chatting for awhile, we found out that most of their group had had their drinks spiked a couple of nights previously.  When your fat and old, the chances of this happening to you are on par with the chances of Russian athletes testing clean on their urine samples.  So relax and enjoy the cocktails.

5.  Nanna naps.  No one looks at me with a funny side-eye when I say I love nanna naps now. In fact it's almost expected that you have them.

6.  You can come to the rescue by whipping out your reading glasses when someone at the table can't read the menu.  And you all agree that they are making the writing smaller and why the heck doesn't someone turn up the lights so you can read the damn thing!

7. I now pay attention to all of the ads for over-50 insurance and discounts. Exclusive age-related groups only seem to apply when you are young or when you are old, not in-between.

8.  I have hit an 'invisible' age.  While this can be annoying when you are trying to get someone's attention at a shop, sometimes it's nice to not be noticed when you are carrying out your daily activities.  This doesn't apply if you have a bit of breakfast on your face or your fly is down.  You are never invisible then.

9.  A kind word is always welcome. I have learned how much a kind word, compliment or thank you can change my day and I try and put that into practice with others.  After all, we are all in this together and there is enough nastiness around us every day.  Why not make the world a better place, even if it's only a little bit.

10.  I become more grateful every year.  As I see bad luck, bad times and bad choices affect others, I realise that I need to be grateful for what I have had, what I have now, and what I will have.  There is ALWAYS something to be grateful for, and I try and acknowledge it every day.

And as they say, when you get older you can celebrate getting your head together....finally.  Sadly, my body has other ideas!

One thing that I have noticed about this milestone in my life is that I seem to have joined a club.  50 has a magical and elite feeling about it, as scary as it is.  So here I come, full speed, arms wide open and with a hesitant smile plastered on my face. Don't let me fall!  60 is just around the corner, and I don't know how I feel about that yet.

Happy Birthday to Me!


A Christmas CATastrophe

Cute, but evil In honour of the destructive and wicked ways of a recent family addition, an evil kitten named Archie.  This week's...